Sunday, February 05, 2006

As promised...

Well, I said that I would post a picture of my latest finished object, so here it is: The Pinwheel Baby Blanket.

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And here is a picture of its recipient, my new niece Sydney, who was born on January 17, which also happened to be my birthday.

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amylovie said...

Awwww! Both your niece and her blanket are beautiful.


Sarah said...

How cool a new neice!

I have a new neice also born on my birthday! It will be so easy to remember and send cute gifties their way!

Love the blankie.

littledevilworks said...

The blanket is gorgeous! Where did you find the pattern?

And congrats on your new niece. She's beautiful too!

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Sandra i´m from Brazil
i loved your purse ...
But i would like to know if you could post the recipe ...
here we don´t have any crochet´s books ...
so if you could help´me
i´d love it
