Monday, November 29, 2004


Well, I don't have much to report, but I felt like I should post since it's been a while. The reason for that, quite obviously, was Thanksgiving. My husband and I drove to Chicago to visit both of our families, so I have been away from home since last Wednesday morning. The visit was a lot of fun, although the drive wasn't, since we ran into snow both on the way there and on the way back. It was really nice to have a break from the daily grind. However, I did not get a chance to knit the whole time we were gone, so I am going through knitting withdrawal. I think that I will settle in with my lace ornaments when I get home from work today. And I will probably add a cup of tea or hot chocolate to that thought, as it is cold out, we have finally gotten our first snow, and the thermostat at work is not working properly, so I will need to thaw out when I get home!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Emily,

One of the sections in my article directory is Home and Family ... while looking for blogs on thanksgiving, I discovered Thanksgiving .

Most people believe the best content on the internet is created by bloggers ... original content, experiences and opinions. Nothing to sell and no hidden agendas!

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I like an informal style of writing that matches your personality and fits in with your article content. I welcome articles that are uniquely based on your personal knowledge, experiences and opinions. All I request is that your content does not contain vulgar language, incite hatred or generally offensive.

Without any commitments ... please pop over and browse my blog articles directory for yourself.

Kind Regards